Category Archives: masculinity and men

Reflections on Masculinity 2

What is it that makes a man different from a woman?

Well, there’s the obvious, of course: penis and balls, greater body size, more muscles, and so on…but that isn’t really the answer. What really makes us different from women lies inside our minds and our brains.

Sure, you may say we are all humans, and therefore we should be emphasizing our similarity. Well, yes, let’s emphasize our humanity, but let’s also cherish and honor the differences that make us masculine and feminine.

If you believe that all significant differences in gender are socially conditioned, learned or constructed, and that conventional gender boundaries should be erased, this may be of interest to you.

Video – what does gender mean?

Yet surely, in romantic relationships, it’s the polarity of masculinity and femininity that leads to passion and excitement?

If you’re in a relationship with someone you see as a good friend, but with whom you have no polarity, there’s not likely to be much passion. But what exactly does polarity mean?

What defines masculinity and femininity?

In biological terms, the difference in human behavior, thoughts, feelings and attitudes between male and female comes from the effect of testosterone on the brain of the male baby at two crucial points in its development in the womb.

These two surges of testosterone make the male brain develop differently from the female brain. The differences are explained in detail in many books, such as Why Men Don’t Iron by Anne and Bill Moir, but you’ll probably recognize some of the differences here:

Boys are more aggressive, more active, have a shorter attention span and are more competitive than girls. They are much less socially oriented and bond by “doing” , rather than “being”.

They are much more spatially aware and less verbally aware. He is good with things – she is good with words. Her brain sees more, hears more, communicates better, and possesses more verbal resources.

Men solve problems, women talk about them. Men find risk taking and problem solving to be stimulating, even necessary to their self-esteem. Men’s brains can focus much more closely than women’s. Men work well in teams and, though competitive, tend to respect each other. Women don’t. And so on.

Men are visually stimulated. Women are much less so. Men are quick to arouse, quick to come and quick to move their attention onto something else.

Novelty and variety are sexual stimulants monogamy may be a great sacrifice for a man in terms of his freedom to “do what comes naturally”.

On an emotional level, a man does not want to be changed by his partner into something more like her. He does not want to be mollycoddled by her. He wants a partner in the true sense, a woman who makes him complete by allowing him to be himself and who respects his maleness. Yet, as I implied in the first post on this subject, many men do not know how to embody masculinity. But as I also implied, there are ways to embody masculinity. Successful sex which satisfies both partner is one good way (see the text below about the CAT for more about this.) Another way is for a man to get some therapy or coaching to overcome the wounds of childhood. Shadow work is particularly good for this, especially if a man has put his masculinity into shadow. (see here for a list of shadow coaches who can help wtih this kind of work.)

His job is to win her, to cherish her and to protect her, and to be strong in the face of her emotions while remaining true to himself.

In other words, to be there for her in a safe, respectful way. A way that gives her a strong point of reference to bash against as the tides of her feminine emotions sweep back and forth from day to day.

Do men and women think differently? (Hint: Yes)

It’s that centered quality which women look for in a man, by constantly testing him. A woman’s test of a man can take many forms, but the most obvious example of it is the kind of needling provocation, the can’t-let-go-of-this-behavior, the relentless pressing of an issue, that a woman will engage in.

Most men respond to this by placating or reassuring her, a skill they pick up at the hands of their mothers, who, more often than not, react to the wildness of their young son by repressing his male energy and enthusiasm, trying, in effect, to feminize him, to make him more like her.

Since a young boy needs his mother’s love he often learns to adapt to her requirements, a skill which in all too many men continue to display into their adult relationships with women.

It’s wrong that a man can only be a man in the company of other men. He needs to be true to himself all the time, for it is this true essence of his masculinity that his woman is really seeking when she tests him.

In other words, he needs to be able to tell her, respectfully, how he feels and what he wants and needs from her; even if that is for her to stop doing something.

In doing this, the more masculine his response, the more firm and centered he is, the better. That is what she is looking for.

But why does a woman test a man repeatedly? And what does she want? The answer to the second question is simple. She wants a man who will stand up to her without being blown off course. The answer to the first question is more complicated.

One of the reasons she tests her man is a deep-seated fear that he will leave her, that he won’t always be there for her.

Subconsciously she reasons that if he can be knocked off course by her, then he can be knocked off course by any other woman. And there is good reason for this fear, of course, because men are naturally promiscuous, at least to a degree: fidelity is a choice.

So the powerful question for most men comes down to this: how to you maintain your masculine strength in the face of a woman’s “test” of your emotional & masculine resilience?

To conclude – a word about sexual relationships

In pursuit of greater sexual pleasure (and so harmony between the sexes), the coital alignment technique (CAT) has great value.

This has revolutionized many people’s sex lives in recent times. It provides a way for the man to bring a woman to orgasm during intercourse. While it can be challenging to stimulate a woman’s clitoris during intercourse with your hand, the CAT overcomes this challenge. 

The idea of the coital alignment technique originated in the 1970s. It has proved to be an effective technique for increasing sexual pleasure for women. It’s a modified kind of “missionary” or “man on top position”, which requires the couple to make love in such a way that the man’s pubic area repeatedly and gently rhythmically stimulates the woman’s clitoral area.

This is not, I must emphasize, stimulation applied directly to the clitoris by the man’s penis or fingers. Nor is it the “base of the man’s penis” touching the woman’s clitoris. The reality of the matter is that it is the general area of the man’s body around the base of his penis which is designed to bump into the area of the woman’s clitoral structures. This is not the same as the glans of the clitoris nor indeed the legs of the clitoris. Nor is it the G spot inside her vagina.

Most women’s clitorises are located too far away from the vaginal opening to receive any stimulation as the man thrusts in and out in a horizontal plane. This is more or less the orientation of the erect penis during normal man on top sex.

However, in coital alignment technique, a couple will orient their bodies so that the man’s erection is angled rather sharply downwards. In fact it approaches an angle of as much as 90° to his body.

This is done by him entering the woman in the normal way. He then shifts his body upwards towards her head. In the process his erection bends backwards, or downwards. This brings the area of his pubic mound into connection with her clitoral area.

And that is the whole idea behind the coital alignment technique: to allow the man and the woman to move in such a way that the rhythmic rocking of their pelvises will bring those two parts of their bodies into contact in a way that will stimulate the woman to orgasm.

Video  – Coital Alignment Technique

This is actually a very effective way of bringing to orgasm a woman during intercourse. Only about 10% of women can reach vaginal orgasms by thrusting of the erect penis in the vagina. However, practiced correctly, 80% of women will orgasm with the CAT during sex.

Perhaps men ought to be increasing their ability to last longer during intercourse. But most men are not interested in lasting longer during sex. So what this means is that the coital alignment technique provides an effective and useful way in which a woman can potentially achieve orgasm during intercourse.

And the benefit of orgasm during intercourse is that it can bring a couple much closer together spiritually and emotionally during the act of physical union.

However, the instructions that are generally given for the coital alignment technique are complex!  recommend you go to a useful website which is devoted solely to the subject. This will explain to you the alignment of male and female bodies necessary before the CAT works. 

Reflections on Masculinity 1

Reflections on masculinity, male sexuality, and being a man

Men often show up as weak in some way:

  • A weak masculine self, somehow feminised
  • A swaggering John Wayne macho image of immature masculinity
  • A chaotic and confused adolescent maleness
  • A masculinity which includes acting out violence and aggression (often against women)
  • A masculinity that is afraid to stand up and show itself in all its glory
  • A masculinity that is afraid of women, or seeks to placate them, or dominate them with physical and emotional manipulation. This cripples a man in his relationships, both sexual and emotional, with women.
  • A masculinity which turns against itself, and abuses itself with drugs, addiction, violence, self-harm
  • A feminized masculinity in which a man is ashamed of being a man.

I sum up true masculinity with words like strength, consistency, clarity, compassion, care, vulnerability, emotional literacy, gentleness, protectiveness, anger, joy, grief, fear, courage, excitement, adventure, risk-taking, providing for others, protecting others, and so on.

Some masculine stereotypes may be innate, though

Perhaps small boys, big boys, and men all want to have adventure, excitement, and take risks (even little ones). And maybe women are fearful of this.

It may be that men are more interested in going out to work and bringing home the hunted animal (or a pay packet) than making a nest.

It may be that men are genetically programmed to be providers and women are programmed to be more nurturing. Maybe men think differently to women, so that communication between the sexes will always be difficult. And maybe a woman wants stability and a man wants excitement – in many ways, including sex.

So dare we accept that men and women have evolved with different genetic programs to do different things? To feel different things? To be moved by different things?

Most importantly, can we learn to accommodate our true differences as best we can? Can we stop pretending that actually we’re all really the same regardless of our gender, and we could all get along nicely if only we men would be more like our womenfolk?

YES! But if we do this, then along come the responsibilities: in particular:

  • To learn what true masculinity means for ourselves and for our brothers (i.e. other men).
  • To care for our families instead of going off and fucking the next willing, attractive woman who comes along.
  • To raise adolescent boys so that they know what true maleness is, and so that life is not ruined for all of us by leaderless gangs and undisciplined males acting out aggressively in our society.
  • To behave towards women with self-respect and other-respect. To stand up for ourselves with women assertively and not aggressively or abusively.
  • To learn that the meeting of the true masculine and the true feminine is complementary.
  • To understand that the sexes can be true to their own gender while still respecting the other. Not to fear or hate or be violent towards each other.

Video – Masculinity

There is little doubt that the different brain wiring patterns of men and women are in large part responsible for the different behavioral patterns of men and women.

If you want to read a good popular book on this subject, which includes a test for you to complete so you can judge the degree of masculinization/feminization of your own brain, buy: Why Men Don’t Listen and Women Can’t Read Maps, a book by by Alan and Barbara Pease.

According to Barbara and Allan Pease, science now confirms that the way our brains are wired and the hormones pulsing through our bodies are the two factors that largely dictate, long before we are born, how we will think and behave. Our instincts are simply our genes determining how our bodies will behave in given sets of circumstances.

That’s right: socialization, politics, or upbringing aside, men and women have profound brain differences and are intrinsically inclined to act in distinct – and consequently frustrating – ways.

To make things worse for men…

Many men are brought up in families without much male emotional support or physical presence. And so they may lose a masculine sense of adventure, of risk, of maleness itself. For boys brought up in single parent families, without any male role models, no matter how wonderfully caring their mothers may be, one thing is certain: there will be a time when they need an adult older male to show them what it means to be a man.

Meanwhile, the feckless man who leaves his children, the adolescent gangster, the wife-beater, the man who uses abusive porn, the deceiver who seduces woman and abandons them: they have all got one thing in common – they are shamed by society without compassion.

And yet, who ever taught them to be men? Whoever gave them the models they needed to respect, to look up to, and whoever taught them that a man needs a vision and, if not a vision, a role?

Yes, that’s right – no-one. And who cares? Well, many men. You just have to find them.

Many years ago, I went on a ManKind Project weekend, a men’s group. Here, I and another 40 or so men were given the chance, probably for most of us for the first time in our lives, to get up on our feet and talk openly. To talk, without judgment, about our lives as men. And the pain and pleasure that emerged were profoundly moving. 

In this complete cross-section of society, from the humblest and most disadvantaged guys, who had been injecting drugs for years, surviving on their wits on the edges of society, to the wealthiest white middle-class guys and the educated black classes – the experiences were the same. Every man’s story was a part of every other man’s story. We are indeed all brothers under the skin.

Between one third and one half of the men there had paid for sex, either once or regularly. Perhaps when their wife was pregnant. Perhaps because their wife or partner was not interested in sex. Perhaps in addition to having sex with a partner or girlfriend.

Some men who had lost their virginity to prostitutes, sometimes because their father or an older uncle had taken it upon himself to initiate the lad in this way.

As one guy said: “The bastard told me: ‘I’ll make a man of you.’ Thanks a lot, Dad. Unfortunately you started 15 years too late.”  And the product of this was shame and guilt.

Nearly all the men had used porn – some obsessively, some for years, from adolescence onwards.

Some had filmed themselves having sex with their girlfriends, either openly or secretly. Their women had often reluctantly gone along with this to please their man. All the men masturbated regularly – some many times each day. They all had many ways to pleasure themselves. About twenty per cent of the men in this group had had sex with men at least once. And many more had wondered if they were gay. Many spoke of having erections all the time, saying that they felt as if their penises ruled their lives. 

But what fascinated me most was that the overriding desire, spoken again and again by men of all classes and colors and educational levels, was simple. To have a real heart-centred relationship. To be in an intimate, connected relationship of love, respect and sexual fulfillment.

It seems we as men have two conflicting needs here: on the one hand a need to fulfill the dictates of our testosterone by reaching orgasm freely and liberally. And on the other hand, a need to satisfy our very human desire to meet another human being from a soul connection. In other words, to love a woman and be understood by her, to have intimacy and love. Yet often the testosterone wins. And there is no shame in that.

But the point is this: we are men. We do what we can, yet we can always do better.  Celebrate your masculinity.

A book about masculinity: understand more about being a man

Warrior Magician Lover King by Rod Boothroyd

The author describes each of the title’s four archetypes in turn, explaining both the positive and negative aspects of each one, and how each can interact with the others.

A great book for readers turned off by self-help works that are either too simplistic or too mystical. And, as the reviewers have pointed out, much of it would appear to be of interest to women as well as men.

Iron John : A Book About Men
by Robert Bly

Bly feels men are in trouble, and tries to explain why. He also attempts to define a real man: one who has the courage and conviction to fight, but also has the compassion and tenderness to feel. Men in our society seem to be too much on one side or the other. We have too many wild, violent, brutal men with no feeling.

We also have too many submissive, weak, ‘Yes Dear’ type of men. He tries to give reasons for this ‘downfall’, using important themes such as: 1) Young men without responsible, older men in their lives, 2) The industrial revolution separating father from son 3) The elimination our link to nature as a result of the Industrial Revolution, and 4) How the feminist movement, while absolutely necessary, has had an adverse effect of creating a culture which portrays men as complete idiots.